Category Archives: Health News

Why to practice yoga

The tapas you develop can be extended to the rest of your life to overcome inertia and change dysfunctional habits. You’ll experience feelings of gratitude, empathy, and forgiveness, as well as a sense that you’re part of something bigger. First you do standing and balance poses. How about that! Your happiness and positivity will extend… Read More »

Can allergies develop later in life

In some cases, these links are easy to see and represent what is known as the atopic march. Of course, young children who cannot communicate symptoms can also have severe reactions which go unnoticed and progress to dangerous levels. Most treatments meant for allergies will be effective for non-allergic rhinitis as well. The most common… Read More »

How long it takes to slim down

If you’re looking to torch takes fat and lose some inches around your waist, it may seem like down near-impossible feat. And if you want to reduce the amount of fat on your body, what is slim caloric balance [how many calories you consume vs. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle goes far above and beyond how… Read More »