Can herbal tea cause gas

If you eat healthy and take good care of yourself; the people at highest risk cause this problem are those with stomach problems such as acid reflux. When tea the best time to drink green tea? Green tea increases the pressure in your eye within 30 minutes of drinking it; but noticed that I have… Read More »

Blue asthma inhaler how often

If you rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth after using a steroid inhaler you are less likely to develop a sore throat or thrush. Contact your doctor or pharmacist if these or any other side effects bother you or don’t go away. See the separate leaflet called Preventing Steroid-induced Osteoporosis. This includes things… Read More »

What genes cause asthma

Asthma UK has more information on asthma triggers. They say that a few common genetic variants are associated with asthma risk at all ages. The study was carried out by the GABRIEL consortium, a collaboration between researchers from institutes across Europe and other countries that attempts to identify the genetic and environmental causes of asthma.… Read More »

What is erectile dysfunction problem

They cause serious damage to blood vessels. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In fact, anything that places pressure on the pudendal artery can result in penile numbness and impotence. Erectile dysfunction is often an early warning sign of more serious problems like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and cholesterol. However, ED does not only refer to a… Read More »

What can cause a 3 day migraine

Especially from citrus fruits. Such as before a during menstrual periods, migraines are often managed through a course of medication. The average tension headache, also can worsen migraines. Oral contraceptives and what, and shock can cause a migraine. Insomnia is more likely if you have migraines, day to trigger headaches can many women. Everyday Migraine… Read More »