Which Bread is Best for Diabetics? Choosing the Right Options for Blood Sugar Control

Managing diabetes involves careful consideration of dietary choices, including the type of bread consumed. Bread can impact blood sugar levels, so selecting the right type is crucial for maintaining optimal glucose control. This guide explores various bread options for diabetics, highlighting their nutritional benefits and how they fit into a balanced diet. 1. Understanding the… Read More »

The Harms of Phosphate

Phosphate is a charged particle (ion) that contains the mineral phosphorus, which is present in our food. In your body, most phosphorus combines with oxygen to form phosphate, about 85% of which is found in your bones. Phosphate plays a number of important roles, from building bones and teeth to acting as a building block… Read More »

Why Pharma Should Pay for Your Water Treatment

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published February 8, 2017. The availability of clean, pure water is vital to your health. An adult body is between 55% and 65% water.1 Water functions to regulate internal body temperature, metabolize carbohydrates and proteins, flush waste through your kidneys and help lubricate joints. Water… Read More »