Weekly Health Quiz: Hyperbaric Oxygen and Ventilators

By | May 12, 2020

1 Which of the following is the most prominent risk factor for being hospitalized with COVID-19?

  • Heart disease
  • Asthma
  • Obesity

    After old age, obesity appears to be the most prominent risk factor for being hospitalized with COVID-19, doubling the risk of hospitalization in patients under the age of 60 in one study. Learn more.

  • COPD

2 Which of the following sites censors content about the COVID-19 pandemic and remedies that might help prevent or treat the disease?

  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • All of the above

    Any content that questions or contradicts the biased edicts of the World Health Organization is now being blocked, taken down or tagged as fake news on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Learn more.

3 Which of the following describes the benefit hyperbaric oxygen treatment can provide in the treatment of COVID-19?

  • Allowing your body to absorb a higher percentage of oxygen without placing stress on the lungs

    Mechanical ventilation can easily damage the lungs as it’s pushing air into the lungs with force. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) may be a better alternative, as it allows your body to absorb a higher percentage of oxygen without forcing air into the lungs. Learn more.

  • Forcing more air into your lungs
  • Reducing oxygen uptake
  • Suppressing cells’ need for oxygen

4 COVID-19 patients placed on mechanical ventilators often have poor outcomes, leading some physicians to use alternative measures to keep patients off ventilators as much as possible. These include:

  • Not admitting patients to the ICU
  • Having patients lie on their stomachs (prone) to allow for better lung aeration

    Given the poor outcomes, some physicians are now trying to keep patients off ventilators as much as possible by using alternative measures, including having patients lie on their stomachs to allow for better lung aeration. Learn more.

  • Offering face masks to all COVID-19 patients
  • Administering experimental medications

5 Testing your vitamin D levels during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is important because:

  • People with low levels of vitamin D enjoy talking more and social distancing makes it difficult to have conversations
  • People with normal levels of vitamin D have better health when they own guinea pigs
  • People with low levels of vitamin D have a higher risk of experiencing more severe disease and knowing your level helps determine how much supplement to take

    Testing your vitamin D levels during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is important because people with low levels of vitamin D have a higher risk of experiencing more severe disease and knowing your level helps determine how much supplement to take. Learn more.

  • People with normal levels of vitamin D experience alterations in taste and so should stay out of the sun completely

6 Which of the following appears to be a hallmark of more severe COVID-19 disease?

  • Abnormal bleeding and hemorrhaging
  • Brittle bones and bone loss
  • Explosive diarrhea
  • Blood clots associated with an abnormal coagulation disorder

    Aside from sepsis, blood clots caused by an abnormal coagulation disorder also appear to be common in patients with severe COVID-19 disease. Learn more.

7 A vaccine reaction known as “paradoxical immune response” refers to:

  • Robust antibody response to the vaccine, but when encountering the wild virus, the patient becomes severely, often lethally, ill

    Coronavirus vaccine development has proven very difficult over the past 30 years, as the vaccines create very robust antibody response, but when the patient encounters the wild virus, they become severely ill and often die — a reaction known as paradoxical immune response or paradoxical immune enhancement. Learn more.

  • A complete lack of antibody response to the vaccine
  • A cytokine storm reaction in response to the vaccine
  • Instantaneous death in response to the vaccine


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