Tag Archives: safe

Caffeine and Pregnancy: How Much is Safe?

Many women ask about the safety of drinking caffeinated beverages during pregnancy. A recent study looked at this question, analyzing data from the NICHD Fetal Growth Studies–Singletons, which included a group of 2,055 nonsmoking women at low risk for fetal growth problems.  Caffeine consumption was evaluated using plasma concentrations of caffeine and paraxanthine (a metabolite… Read More »

Turn Around, Don’t Drown — Plus Other Ways to Stay Safe during a Flood

Water can overflow and flood for a slew of reasons, including excessive rain, ice melting from snowcaps, high sea levels and coastal storms. The water accumulation can be slow moving — or come on quickly — destroying everything in its path. “The vast majority of fatalities that we see during severe weather storms today are… Read More »

Os a keto diet safe for a diabetic?

Plus, is it safe to “go keto” if you have diabetes? What does living low carb look like? Once you start eating low carb you will likely have to lower your insulin doses as well as some other diabetes medications, frequently by quite a lot. I was taking around to units of insulin every day… Read More »