Watch This CrossFit Games Athlete Try a Pro Bodybuilder’s Leg Workout

By | September 26, 2020

The CrossFit Games are all about finding the fittest person on Earth through a series of physically grueling events. But CrossFitter Joshua Al-chamaa felt like a different kind of challenge, and so after joining professional bodybuilder Eric Janicki for a CrossFit workout, he agreed to try out a bodybuilder’s leg day training session.

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They start off with a tempo Bulgarian split squat, doing 3 sets of 12 reps on each side. “We’re going to try and get really good depth and keep the chest open, getting good time under tension” explains Eric. “We’re not just trying to get through the reps like bang, bang, bang. We’re slowing down the tempo, using less weight, and you’re going to get more burn.”

Eric goes first, demonstrating the proper form and pace for the exercise, and then it’s Joshua’s turn. “I’m meant to be surfing after this,” he says. “I don’t think that’s going to happen… It doesn’t matter how good I am at CrossFit, I’m not that good at bodybuilding.”

Next up are 3 sets of 10 tempo narrow stance barbell squats. “I feel a little bit more confident on this one,” says Joshua, noting after his first set how much this exercise involves engaging the core for stability.

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Eric follows this with 3 x 1-minute rounds on the quad extension machine, once again performing the exercise at a slowed down, controlled pace to maximize time under tension. And just when Joshua thought they were done, it’s time for one more exercise; the tempo leg press.

“This is one of the hardest exercises that I do,” says Eric. “Tempo in the eccentric is tough. Now add tempo to the eccentric and concentric…It’s utmost control.” He assigns Joshua 3 sets of 10, where each rep consists of a 6-count down and a 6-count up, and is hugely impressed by his performance.

“Tempo is a whole new ball game,” says Joshua.

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