Tag Archives: diet

Iron rich foods on elimination diet dr. axe

Iron deficiencies are very common. In fact, many groups are at an increased risk of deficiency for this important mineral, including infants and children, women who are pregnant, those with heavy menstrual periods and those following a vegan or vegetarian diet. For this reason, many people choose to take iron supplements. However, a quick stroll… Read More »

Ketogenic diet not in ketosis

Navigating a ketogenic diet can be hard at times, especially if you’ve just switched from a relatively high carb lifestyle. There are little nuances that may have you asking why you’re not in ketosis, but the answers aren’t always so clear. Why are you not in ketosis? Not achieving or maintaining ketosis is usually attributed… Read More »

Sherrituki needles keto diet

Instructions are for 2 servings. Please modify as needed. Shirataki noodles are naturally gluten-free and are made from the konjac yam, a herbaceous plant from Japan the word “shirataki” means “white waterfall”. It’s important to first rinse the noodles really well in cold water in order to remove as much of the liquid they came… Read More »

Will diet change clot formation

There are a variety of other foods that help clot blood, particularly spices and herbs. Platelets were isolated from blood collected from healthy men and women, followed by incubation at different concentrations. The American Heart Association AHA suggest that eating vitamin K-rich foods may counteract the effects of warfarin, and lower the prothrombin time. All… Read More »