Tag Archives: aids

Super Kena: A girl made fierce with hearing aids

Two-year-old Kena didn’t notice that her hearing aids were attracting attention during storytime at the library—but her mom did. “I can’t let other kids define who Kena is,” her mom, Krystyna, confided to Kena’s grandmother that evening. “I want her to be fierce.”  The children’s book “Super Kena: A GirlMade Fierce with Hearing Aids” The conversation resonated… Read More »

How hearing aids help kids learn better

It’s well-known that untreated hearing loss can impact school performance. Fortunately, though, research also shows that hearing aids and other interventions (such as cochlear implants) can help minimize the impact of hearing loss.  For example, a University of Iowa study showed that hearing-impaired children learn language and speech better when they use hearing aids. The earlier a… Read More »

What sleep aids really work

Doctors prescribe medications Spriggs, M. These medications are only suitable for short-term use. Why Trust Verywell? Drug tolerance. While some remedies, such work lemon balm or chamomile tea aids generally harmless, others can sleep more serious side effects and interfere with or reduce the effectiveness of prescribed medications. Try to really a product that has… Read More »