Category Archives: News

3 ways yoga will change your body

A yoga body isn’t just about bendy limbs, the ancient practice can improve memory, heart and bone health, says Anna Magee We’ve become a nation obsessed with downward dogs and cat cows. Brits are now spending a staggering £790 million a year on yoga classes and yoga mats. In fact, while on one hand yoga… Read More »

‘Fears you could still be spreading Covid even after you’ve been vaccinated’

We all know that the vaccines being delivered around the world right now work by protecting us from getting Covid. But what we still don’t know is whether they’ll also prevent us ­transmitting the virus to others. We simply don’t have enough public health data to answer the important question of transmission yet. In fact… Read More »

Pfizer, riding high on COVID-19 vaccine launch, pays CEO Bourla $21 million for 2020

Thanks to the success of its COVID-19 vaccine, the drug giant Pfizer has become a household name around the globe—and the company’s eyeing $ 15 billion in sales from the shot this year. For writing that 2020 success story, CEO Albert Bourla collected a pay package worth more than $ 21 million. Bourla, who took… Read More »

AstraZeneca vaccine: Will UK suspend AstraZeneca vaccine over blood clot fears?

However, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said on Thursday there is no indication the vaccine has caused these symptoms. The EMA said in a statement: “There is currently no indication that vaccination has caused these conditions, which are not listed as side effects with this vaccine. “The vaccine’s benefits continue to outweigh its risks and… Read More »