Which yoga poses are unsafe during pregnancy

By | April 25, 2020

which yoga poses are unsafe during pregnancy

If you are an ardent yoga practitioner, then you might want to continue it even when you are pregnant. Since every yoga pose has its benefits and risks, it is essential for you to know which poses to try and which to avoid, to prevent harm to yourself and the baby. In this MomJunction post, we tell you which yoga poses you should avoid during each trimester and why. Overstretching the muscles, twisting, and bending could be harmful to you and the fetus. Here are a few types of postures that are considered unsuitable for pregnant women.

If you are pregnant, honor your body by avoiding or modifying these yoga poses. Savasana is a pose of total relaxation—making it one of the most challenging. Use this sequence to check in with yourself, quiet fears and negative mental chatter, and ultimately move into a place of deep trust. Practice the following Vata-focused sequence to help balance and nourish your pregnant body. Trying for a baby?

In fact, the benefits to staying active during pregnancy are tremendous, and practicing yoga during your pregnancy can be a great option! Yoga during pregnancy can improve your energy and help you relax, de-stress, meditate, be more mindful with your workouts and increase your body awareness as your baby grows. Before you jump into a yoga practice, however, here are a few things to keep in mind. Avoid Overstretching. So limit your range of motion, moving through a range that feels good for you and never painful. Chat With Your Instructor. Wear Layers. Even in non-Bikram classes, a yoga room can heat up quickly!

Yoga Anatomy. So, why do we care about modifying or avoiding yoga poses altogether while pregnant? Following is a list, albeit not exhaustive, of yoga poses to consider avoiding while pregnant based on my personal experience and training.