The subtle early signs of hearing loss

By | March 1, 2021

This article is brought to you by Specsavers.

Has your family been complaining The Block’s too loud? Does everyone seem to be mumbling? Are you getting exhausted by brunch? Hearing loss is sneaky. It can creep up on you slowly but steadily, like scale on your houseplants – and the warning signs are easily missed.

But with one in six Australians experiencing some form of hearing loss, understanding hearing health is more important than ever. And as we spend more time at home or glued to our devices, it’s easy to shrug away problems we only notice around others.

Kathryn Launchbury, Senior Audiologist at Specsavers, says that while hearing loss is more common than asthma, heart disease and diabetes, “it’s still not that well understood and well known among the general public”.

Unaddressed hearing problems cost Australia over $ 20 billion a year according to a recent report by the Hearing Care Industry Association. Infections, head injuries, even exposure to certain chemicals or medications can contribute to hearing loss. Exposure to loud, prolonged noise seems the most popular way to damage our ears, whether from the workplace buzz of machinery or catastrophically loud crooning from headphones, speakers or concerts. (Hot tip: wear earplugs. Or musician’s earplugs, if you’re adverse to the fluorescent tube look.)

And then there’s the simple damaging effects of time. As we get older, our hearing naturally deteriorates. One in three people over 65 can look forward to experiencing hearing loss as they clock up the birthdays.

Tell-tale signs of early hearing loss

While the early signs of hearing loss are subtle, there are plenty to look out for. Family members accusing you of playing havoc with the volume may ring alarm bells, but less obvious is the feeling that others are mumbling or not speaking clearly. Struggling to hear your phone ring, or make out voices down the line, can also suggest there’s a problem with your hearing. Another sign is struggling to focus on conversation in noisy places like cafes, bars and restaurants, and feeling exhausted by the end of it all.

“That can be a sign that you’ve really been struggling to hear and you’re working overtime to pick up what people have been saying,” says Kathryn. “It’s a lot more effort to do that, so you can feel quite tired and drained.”

Oh nah, you say. My ears are probably just blocked up again. Sound familiar? If you’re blaming your social faux pas on earwax, you might want to take a closer look.

“If you’ve been noticing difficulties for a while, it’s unlikely to be wax,” says Kathryn. “Wax has to completely block both your ears for you to have difficulty in those situations. It’s unlikely that wax blocking your ears is going to affect your hearing too much.”

Kathryn says a painless three-minute screening is all it takes to find out if you require further testing or if you’re in the all clear– something she recommends for everyone from the age of 40.

And the results can be life changing.

“A number of years ago, I had an older gentleman who came in with his son. The son said his dad’s GP thought he may have dementia because he’s been withdrawing, doesn’t answer questions appropriately – he seems forgetful.

“So we did the hearing test and it showed [the dad] had a hearing loss, so they came back and we fitted some hearing aids.

“When the son brought him back for the follow-up, the son was in tears because the father was joking around, he was interacting – even I noticed the difference in him. The son was like, ‘Oh my god, my dad is such a different person. He’s talking with us again, he’s interacting with us, and the GP doesn’t think he has dementia anymore … He’s the person I remember [from] when I was younger.”

How hearing aids are lifting their game

If your hearing loss is making it difficult to communicate with loved ones and the world around you, then a pair of hearing aids may help.

“People don’t always realise the effect [hearing loss] has on their lives,” says Kathryn. “It stops people wanting to go out and socialise; it can make them feel withdrawn; it can have a negative effect on their mental wellbeing. That’s why it’s important, if you are experiencing difficulties, to go and speak with a professional and do something about it.”

Gone are the days when you had to raise a trumpet to your ear to hear clearly. Today’s hearing aids are sleek, subtle and sophisticated.

“They’re smaller than the [wireless] headphones you see people wearing, and in fact they have better technology in them than ever.”

Not only can these bad boys reduce background noise, pick up 360-degree sound and cut out the blasting effects of wind, but some are Bluetooth compatible, allowing you to take phone calls and listen to audiobooks, music and movies on the go – or from the comfort of your couch.

You can also adjust your hearing aid from your tablet or phone. These options are great, says Kathryn, for people who are still working and want to be connected to their devices.

For many, the price tag might seem a little daunting. But Kathryn says these days access to help and knowing what it costs should be more transparent than ever.

“[At Specsavers] we have our hearing aid prices available online and in brochures available in store to pick up, so customers can have a look and shop around.

“We work with our customers to understand where they need to be hearing better, because that dictates the type of technology they need. It’s an investment in their health and wellbeing, and it’s something that will improve their quality of life.”

Kathryn also adds that subsidised hearing aids are available for eligible people through the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.

No one wants to watch their loved ones suffer or fall silent because of hearing loss. Kathryn says one of the best ways to encourage them to get their hearing checked is to remind them of what they might be missing.

“Sometimes, when you have hearing loss, you don’t realise what you’re missing out on. You don’t realise that perhaps you no longer hear birds chirping; you no longer hear the grandchildren clearly.

“At Specsavers we have the audiology professionals to help you with your hearing, it’s affordable and we’ll guide you through the journey to hear better.”

This article is brought to you by Specsavers.

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