Tag Archives: increasingly

Californians increasingly concerned about access to mental healthcare and rising cost of care

Mental healthcare access remains a top priority for nine in 10 Californians, while the rising cost of physical and mental healthcare is causing increasing numbers of Californians to struggle to pay for prescription drugs, medical bills, and healthcare premiums, finds a new poll from the California Health Care Foundation. The poll, Health Care Priorities and… Read More »

As abortion debate becomes increasingly polarized, poll shows the views of many Canadians are more complicated

At 21 weeks a fetus doesn’t have the ability to breathe outside a woman’s body. The alveoli, the tiny sacs that fill with oxygen, haven’t fully developed, and its premature lungs lack surfactant, the slippery substance that keeps those tiny air sacs from collapsing and sticking together when they deflate. But imagine if that fetus… Read More »