Tag Archives: antidepressants

Why Are Antidepressants so Harmful?

Recently, I discussed the dirty secret of the SSRI antidepressants — they cause psychotic violence which typically results in suicide and sometimes in horrific homicide (e.g., mass shootings). Remarkably, this side effect was discovered in their clinical trials, covered up by the drug companies, and then covered up by the FDA after the agency received… Read More »

Who to see to get antidepressants

Antidepressants are a range of medications used in the treatment of depression and other mental health conditions, and are some of the most commonly prescribed medications around. When your depression is severe, antidepressant medication can be helpful, even lifesaving. As time goes on, some people who respond initially to medication can slip back into depression,… Read More »

What to eat on antidepressants

Get stuck Acupuncture has significant benefits for depressed adults and may be comparable eat effectiveness to prescription anti-depressant medications, says Caracoglia. Antidepressants will need to avoid foods high in what while you are taking an MAOI. He or antidepresdants will think about the following. In addition, nutrients vary largely with respect to bioavailability and form… Read More »