How to Create a Yoga Corner in Your Backyard

By | April 19, 2020


Due to recent events, almost everyone is always inside their homes. Unless you’re doing essential errands, you’re not allowed to step outside. The government has implemented some measures to prevent the further spread of the COVID pandemic. Most people are adhering to the regulations to protect themselves from the virus.

During these hard times, everyone has more time to meditate and reflect on things. It’s also a good time to do some exercise. You can do both of these at the same time by practicing yoga. Not only does it help you meditate, but it’s also a good workout for your body. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone.

Most people go to yoga classes to practice it. But because of the current situation, you can go to places like these. But not to worry. You can do yoga in the comfort of your home. If you have a vacant room in your house, you can make your very own yoga corner. However, not everyone has a spare room. If you don’t have one, you can instead set it up in your garden. The question is, how can you make a yoga corner in your backyard?

Preparing the Garden Yoga Corner

A yoga corner is a place where you can disconnect from the world. For this reason, the look of your garden is crucial. Before setting-up, your space, make sure the surrounding area is not distracting. If possible, landscape your garden first. What does this entail?

First, make sure that your garden is in order. Are there any unruly plants in your garden? How about the grass? If you have time, make sure to tend to your garden first. Do some mowing and trimming. You want the environment near you to be free from chaos and stress. Finally, designate a space that you’ll be using. Clear out any obstacle near the area.

Creating Your Yoga Corner

You now have a serene garden. You also have allotted space for your yoga corner. What’s next? You can proceed to do yoga in your designated area. However, there are things that you can further consider.

One of the things that you can think about is having a designated deck in the area. You can build your very own fort where you can be secluded. You can use some decking materials, like Ultradecking boards, for flooring. Because let’s be honest; doing yoga on the ground is not something everyone wants. Your equipment will also get dirtier without a proper spot to place them on.

What Material to Use?

There are many types of flooring materials that you can consider. For instance, if you want the feel of wood, you can go for composite decking. It feels and looks like real wood. And the best part of it, it’s much safer than real wood. With composite decking, you won’t slip on the floors. These materials are also not prone to moulding and splintering.

Another excellent material to consider is rubber. Gyms and yoga places use rubber for their flooring. Like composite decking, rubber flooring is slip-free. It’s also shock-proof, which helps minimize damage from falls and accidents.

Another alternative is using carpets. Carpet tiles and rolls are quite easy to install in your garden. They also come in different colours and patterns to suit your needs. It is also very comfortable. It’s also safe for workout sessions since it is slip-free. However, you can only place carpets in areas protected by shade. It’s also somewhat more difficult to maintain than the previous options.
Whatever material you wish to use, it’s important to use eco-friendly materials. Using environmentally friendly materials will be not only good for the environment but also good for you.

Items That You Need

You can practice yoga with little to no equipment. However, there are some things that you may want to get for your yoga corner. Not only are these beneficial for your workout, but they also set the mood for your area. Here are the things that you should consider getting to get a complete yoga experience.

1. Yoga Mat. The most necessary item when practising yoga is the yoga mat. They prevent the hands and feet from slipping during yoga sessions. These are usually rubber, cotton, or PVC.
2. Yoga Towels. You will want to have a towel to wipe your sweat away.
3. Meditation Cushions. They are a necessary item to support your back. It also prevents the feeling of “pins-and-needles” on your feet.
4. Yoga Sandbag. Yoga sandbags add weight to your poses. They also help in relaxing your muscles.
5. Yoga Props. Yoga props can help you achieve certain poses. There’s a wide variety that you can choose.
6. Yoga Decoration. You may want to buy decorations for your corner to make it feel more zen. Alternatively, you can create your very own decorations from following some DIYs on the internet.

Author Bio:
L. C. Morris is a digital marketer, real estate and a lifestyle writer for the past few years for different brands both in the UK.

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