Crossover Health’s CEO on Next Move: Private? Public? With a Payer??

By | April 21, 2021

Health Tech


What’s the move for Crossover Health? Looking past the virtual-first primary care co’s $ 168M Series D, CEO Scott Shreeve gets grilled on the long-game. Is their future private? Or public? As “THE” primary care clinic for Amazon employees, rumors have swirled about a potential acquisition for the better part of a year. But now, with the launch of Amazon Care, does Crossover stand a better chance of being acquired – or being axed? Scott’s explanation of a model that uses small, in-person facilities as “confirmatory centers” to compliment virtual care does sound awfully “Amazon-y,” but it also sounds like a very fundable model for public market investors. A Crossover IPO has also been a long-standing rumor as well, perpetuated by the public market filings of OneMedical, Oak Street Health, and, now, VillageMD. A little extra fuel has been added to the fire by big-money raises among still-private competitors Iora Health and Forward. Does the fact that Crossover’s Series D includes a fresh crop of funders – a group of “crossover investors” no less – that back a wider spectrum of startups and industries foreshadow anything? How about the fact that Crossover is launching a product with a PAYER? What does this new offering, that unites payment model and care model into one market-friendly bundle, foretell about the types of clients Crossover is aiming to serve? Pick this interview apart, health tech friends! All guesses are fair game!

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