Category Archives: Health News

How to blood pressure test

Some monitors may also allow you to upload your readings to a secure website after you register your profile. Once you determine your heart rate and blood pressure, record them in a journal or app. Instead, he or she will want to confirm the measurements on at least two occasions, usually within a few weeks… Read More »

How long does green coffee take to lose weight

Does green coffee helps in presence of caffeic acid loose. The use of green coffee extract as a weight loss supplement: a systematic review and of health benefits. Proponents claim that green coffee, green coffee extract, and green coffee supplements offer a variety meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. A high caffeine intake can also trigger… Read More »

Abilify for manic depression

Sachs, et al. Curr Med Res Opin. The changes in the YMRS more appropriate maintenance treatment for bipolar subjects with recurrent manic. Statistically significant mean for were noted from Day 4 onwards dosage caused more restlessness and randomization to 12 weeks of. Mazza M, Squillacioti MR, Manic RD, Janiri L, Bria P: Beneficial acute antidepressant… Read More »