Tag Archives: keto

Os a keto diet safe for a diabetic?

Plus, is it safe to “go keto” if you have diabetes? What does living low carb look like? Once you start eating low carb you will likely have to lower your insulin doses as well as some other diabetes medications, frequently by quite a lot. I was taking around to units of insulin every day… Read More »

Keto diet stomach flu

Since eggs come from poultry, they seem like an obvious choice to eliminate on the vegan diet, yet some vegans may opt to include them. That was a “nice” reminder of how gut can mess up with brain and blood vessels in the head. It was a stomach bug keto friendly type of recipe I… Read More »

Is keto diet good for hypoglycemia

This case illustrates that adherence to a ketogenic diet for a prolonged period of time, in combination with alcohol intake, can disrupt normal glucose homeostatic hypoglycemia and result diet a significant degree of hypoglycemia. For example, meat, poultry, and seafood that is grilled not fof or fried are smart choices. If you follow a strict… Read More »