Tag Archives: arthritis

How many kinds of arthritis are there

Symptoms can come on gradually or start suddenly. Sore throat and tongue, an estimated 294, can Your Diet Help Your RA? What happens: Often you wake up with a sudden, lupus can’t be cured but can often be managed. An estimated 67 million Americans ages 18 years or older are projected to have doctor, but… Read More »

Can arthritis get worse

Depression can make it hard for you to manage your symptoms. You’re Under Pressure Stress, anxiety, and even depression are common with RA. So when you have a flare, don’t blame yourself or go crazy trying to track down triggers that may not exist. If you can figure out what’s making your symptoms worse, you… Read More »

What can rheumatoid arthritis do to you

Try low-impact activities what can rheumatoid arthritis do to you put less strain on your joints, such as swimming, cycling, walking and aqua aerobics. Side effects may include stomach irritation, heart problems and kidney damage. Rheumatoid arthritis: Does pregnancy affect symptoms? General principles of management of rheumatoid arthritis in adults. Exercise can also help you… Read More »

What to do arthritis in knees

If you suspect you might be suffering from the early signs of arthritis, consult your doctor immediately. What to do arthritis in knees varies from person to person. Your doctor will likely take x-rays and blood tests to confirm a diagnosis of OA, RA or other types of arthritis, such as gout. Lab work is… Read More »

Can i exercise with arthritis

What Are Some Pain Relief Methods for People With Arthritis? Also useful to hear about alternating the two types of exercise. These 2 activities require more money and equipment. Ensure you wear shoes with excellent arch supports and cushioning to decrease the impact of the exercise. If you’re overweight, losing weight can really help you… Read More »