Can chlamydia cause miscarriage

By | June 21, 2020

can chlamydia cause miscarriage

It got me to wonder if chlamydia can cause a miscarriage? I was tested for it after my pregnancy had a complication that caused me to lose the baby and afterwards, was told that I had it. I was busy being sad that I forgot to ask if that had caused me to lose the baby, and should I be tested again early in my next pregnancy to prevent it? I am very sorry to hear about your miscarriage. It is common to wonder if your pregnancy could be affected after receiving a chlamydia diagnosis. Chlamydia, is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections STIs.

Chlamydia is common can wonder if your pregnancy could be. Access miscarriage information from pregnancy planning through chlamydoa early parenthood Cause Pregnancy, Birth and Baby. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.

A chlamydia diagnosis might have you wondering if your pregnancy could be at risk. There is some evidence that chlamydia infection could play a role in miscarriages. Unfortunately, an ectopic pregnancy is not a viable pregnancy. A prior infection may also cause fertility problems. Not surprisingly, this evidence suggests that it is a good idea to protect yourself from chlamydia before and during pregnancy and to have it promptly treated if you do acquire it. Although researchers do not fully understand the relationship between chlamydia and miscarriage, getting treatment is always a good idea if you have any STD. Testing is done on a urine sample or a sample of vaginal fluid taken with a swab. Fortunately, treatment is very simple.

Read More:  What is chlamydia in females

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