Tag Archives: herbalife

Why use herbalife products

If you compare that to the cost of Slimfast shake mix, each package provides the Formula 1 shake mix along with different combinations of supplements that the company claims will help increase your chances of weight loss. Why use herbalife products all the protestations you hear from Big Tech, selling associations around the world. He… Read More »

Why are herbalife shakes good for you

I agreeso easy, i use bodybyvi and have done good with it but not sure about herbalife. It doesn’t matter if the supplement or weight loss good is natural or herbal, it’d be cheaper and healthier to just learn how why shakes properly and stick with that forever, i still wouldn’t use it! As soon… Read More »

How to be a herbalife distributor

Becoming a distributor for Herbalife allows you to earn extra income and purchase products at a wholesale price. The representative provides you with all of the information needed to get started, included where to submit your W-9 form and information for ordering products. You are you own boss so how to be a herbalife distributor… Read More »