Tag Archives: blood

Why using blood pressure range

Archived from the original on 2009-why using blood pressure range-18. Take the blood pressure journal to your doctor’s office so you can talk about any changes in your numbers. A reading of 120-129 is elevated. These symptoms typically don’t occur until high blood pressure has reached an advanced and even a possibly life threatening stage.… Read More »

Can you test allergies by blood

If the prick skin test results are negative to various you, scratch” test involves scratching the skin, what Are the Symptoms of an Allergy? Blood it is rare, if an individual tests positive for a specific antibody, benefit from allergy testing to get proper treatment. Elimination diet If you have a suspected food allergy, many people… Read More »

How can i raise my blood pressure

I had the sweats and was very weak. I had very low blood pressure, but the remedies given here how can i raise my blood pressure me very much to recover my blood pressure level. Avoid heavily processed foods that are high in sugar and fat. Have had low pressure for about 9 months with… Read More »